Cepari Cuvee Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir Negru de Dragasani 6 x 750ml

79,82 $

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Cepari Cuvee Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir Black by Dragasani 6 x 750ml Cepari Cepari Cuvee – an interesting assembly, in which Cabernet sits at the head of the table; on the right the frail girl, Pinot; and on the left the rebel Negru de Dragasani. The aromatic set is complex, the alcohol is well integrated, the starting kick is very high in intensity, but it is easily lost. For a small winery it is important to keep the personal imprint, which Cepari manages to score through this top vat. tasty, with blackcurrant aromas; coffee; shades of cherries. Culinary combinations: Cepari Cuvee can accompany sophisticated game dishes; beef; pig; refined sauces and matured cheeses. Cepari Winery is an emblem created by the wine passion of the oenologist Ilarie Prioteasa. The apprenticeship as an intern in the old wineries of Dragasan was continued at a professional level in its own winery, designed according to the ever-changing modern standards of the field. Investments in plantations, technology, people and promotion are trying to rewrite a continuity of wine history for the area of ​​origin of the Cramposie variety.


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