Cepari Negru de Dragasani 6 x 750ml

70,59 $

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Cepari Negru de Dragasani 6 x 750ml Cepari Negru de Dragasani is considered by specialists to be the best Black Dragasani in Romania. Color: dark ruby, rare. Bouquet: it is a wine in which we find strong notes of red fruits. It has a special aroma of blackberries, figs, cherries, slightly spicy. Taste: with a persistent aftertaste. Culinary combinations: wine is recommended to harmoniously accompany dishes based on game, pork or matured cheeses. Serving temperature 16 – 18 ° C. Cepari winery is an emblem created by the passion for wine of the oenologist Ilarie Prioteasa. The apprenticeship as an intern in the old wineries of Dragasan was continued at a professional level in its own winery, designed according to the ever-changing modern standards of the field. Investments in plantations, technology, people and promotion are trying to rewrite a continuity of wine history for the area of ​​origin of the Cramposie variety.


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