Cepari Terasele Criva Negru De Dragasani 6 x 750ml

45,53 $

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Cepari Terraces Criva Negru De Dragasani 6 x 750ml Cepari Criva Negru de Drăgășani is a young, unbeaten wine. In it predominates the aromas of red berries, with well-integrated alcohol. It is a light wine that accompanies light chicken and pork dishes; meat pasta; other traditional Romanian dishes.

The history of wine is inseparable from the history of humanity. Wine, the fruit of the vine and of human labor, is an element of civilization and a criterion of quality of life.

Criva is a small area, a local emblem of lands with a vocation for the cultivation of vines; a preface for fruity, velvety and expressive wines.


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