Craggy Range Sophia Gimblett Gravels

70,59 $

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Craggy Range Sophia Gimblett Gravels is a dominant Merlot blend, refined and elegant, handmade. It represents both the art of wine and the inherent understanding of the earth. Thus “Sophia” is the best expression of the terroir and the people. “Sophia”, which means “wisdom” in Greek mythology, pays homage to the goddess of knowledge and experience, information and understanding. It is a philosophy adopted by our winemakers and viticulturists when creating this wine. Color: dark cherry red wine. Bouquet: wine with complex aromas of red fruits, autumn leaves and sandalwood. Taste: classic, fruity and balanced by the acidity of dusty tannins. The finish is elegant, dry and long. Craggy Range is a family winery founded in 1998 and located in the shadow of the spectacular Te Mata peak in the premium wine area of ​​Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. Craggy Range produces a collection of iconic wines from several regions of New Zealand. Owner Terry Peabody and his family pursued the unique viticultural approach to winemaking, planting in green fields, ensuring a focus on quality from the beginning.


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