Craggy Range Te Muna Sauvignon Blanc

25,64 $

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Type Sec

Raised on the lower terrace on the Te Muna road, this wine has a unique level of texture and complexity. The cooler climate of Martinborough ensures that the wine is aromatic, with a minerality of steel, while the rocky soils give intensity to the fruit. Color: straw yellow with green iridescence. Bouquet: pleasant aromas of citrus flowers, jasmine and subtle notes of honey. Taste: subtle notes of lime and grapefruit. Craggy Range is a family winery founded in 1998 and located in the shadow of the spectacular Te Mata peak in the premium wine area of ​​Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. Craggy Range produces a collection of iconic wines from several regions of New Zealand. Owner Terry Peabody and his family followed the unique viticultural approach to winemaking. They planted in green fields, ensuring from the beginning a focus on quality.


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