Domeniile Urlati Paganus Cabernet Sauvignon 6 x 750ml

44,08 $ Price per unit
7,35 $

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Type Dry

Domeniile Urlati Paganus Cabernet Sauvignon.

The Urlati domains, more precisely the Dealu Mare vineyard, located a short distance from Bucharest. They became known since the first centuries after Christ. Created with passion for perfect quality.

Paganus is a range of unfiltered wines that preserve in their natural character all the characteristics of the terroir from which the grapes come.

Colour: Intense red.

Bouquet: Intense notes of black currants, berries and bitter cherries, wrapped in vegetal tones

Taste: Lively, fruity aromas, where black fruits stand out in particular, complemented by a mild acidity.

Culinary combinations: The wine goes very well with game or red meat dishes.

Serving temperature: 16 ͦ C.


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