Regno Recas Black From Dragasani 6 x 750ml

66,93 $ Price per unit
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SKU: f7c70022586b-1 Category:





Type Dry

Regno Recas Black From Dragasani 6 x 750ml

The Regno Recas range represents the homage of the producer brought to the Banat terroir on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of Recas Wineries. The wine range includes 8 labels.

The message visually transmitted by the labels – the portrait – is inspired by the technique of the Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo. The vision of the Florentine painter was reinterpreted by painter Irina Ciobanu. She transposed into the portraits that dominate the labels of the range, the olfactory-gustatory personality of each category.

Color: purple red, with intense purple highlights, good clarity.

Bouquet: intense fruit aromas (black – blueberries, bitter cherries , cherry tomatoes), smoke, along with aspects of sweet spice.

Taste: high acidity, medium body, ripe tannins, round, a velvety wine, with integrated alcohol, but pleasant finish and good aftertaste. Balance between flavors, alcohol and tannins.

Culinary associations: cumin cheese, grilled red meat; veal carpaccio, game with mustard sauce, lamb chops; desserts based on red fruits, nuts, almonds, raisins.

Serving temperature 14 – 16 °C.


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