Tenuta Ulisse Spumant Pecorino Brut 6 x 750ml

74,62 $

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Type Spumant Brut

Ulisse Sparkling Pecorino Raw Broth 6 x 750ml Of uncertain origin, Pecorino has been cultivated for centuries in the central regions of Italy, especially Marche and Abruzzo, where it is also known by different names. Color: straw-yellow lightly loaded with a subtle look and persistent pearl. Bouquet: has an intense scent, with hints of tropical fruits and flowers. Also, the perceived aromatic scent continues and develops on the palate becoming full and deep. The aroma is pleasantly dry, with an elegant fruity character. Ideal in pairs with fish-based dishes such as tuna, squid or octopus or a turbot or fish carpaccio (not grilled) in general. A perfect accompaniment to fish risotto or pasta dishes, fresh cheeses and baked fish.


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