Tenuta Ulisse Unico Cococciola 6 x 750ml

73,76 $

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Tenuta Ulisse Unico Cococciola 6 x 750ml The Tenuta Ulisse Unico Cococciola is a kind of beef particular to the Abruzzo area, it is found in the Acri, Ari and Roca San Giovani areas of the province of Chieti, very rarely it is found in other areas. It is a variety that is harvested very late, in mid-October. It is a very well structured wine, sec. Color: the wine has a pale straw yellow, with greenish shades, almost crystalline. Bouquet : fruity aroma with citrus, delicate notes of green apple and Whiteflowers. Taste: has a medium structure with a long acidity. It has intense and persistent notes of grass. left to soak together with the shells at a low temperature After peeling, they are lightly crushed in an inert medium at 0.7 bar. After this process, the wine is left to decant for 48 hours, at a temperatureof 1° C. Fermentation is done in stainless steel tanks, at a temperatureof ° C, then it is left to mature for 3 months also in stainless steel tanks.


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