Tsantali Metochi Chromitsa Alb 6 x 750ml

74,04 $

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Tsantali Metochi Chromitsa White6 x 750ml Varieties: Assyrtiko, Athiri, Chardonnay Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Mount Athos. stainless (purity of fruit expression). Classic Whitevinification. Without oak. Color: a bright lemon wine with shades of green. Bouquet: elegant with citrus and Whitefruit. Taste: Rich and creamy, with a balancing acidity that provides a clear quality. Long finale. Awards: 2020 Thessaloniki -Aur The Tsantali family is among the oldest wine families in Greece. This remarkable 125-year story captures significant landmarks in Greek history and values ​​the willpower of the human spirit. Through an adventurous journey starting with migration from the homeland in the early twentieth century and moving to Serres and later to Thessaloniki, today the Tsantali family continues the family legacy, making Tsantali the main ambassador of Greek wines and distillates around the globe.


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